
 The cultivation areas are located in the tropical latitudes between the tropics of Capricorn and Cancer which extends over the entire globe. There are three areas where the sensitive coffee plant is able to grow, and each of these areas is unique in terms of landscape and climate. Namely, East Africa, Arabia, Southeast Asia, the Indonesian region and Latin America. In each region, particular taste profile in their coffees can be found. The region where the coffee is grown has a major impact on the differences in taste.

Coffee plants are sensitive. They neither like strong wind, much heat or frost.

The temperatures should therefore always be above 17 grad Celsius. Soil, climate, type of mounting as well as the altitude and the surrounding vegetation thus have a decisive influence on flavour and quality. Basically, there are well over 6,000 different coffee plants worldwide.

Economically seen, there are only two species of coffee plants that could, due to their brilliance in taste, sustain their position on the market: Robusta and Arabica coffee. The two species do seem to be alike from the first sight, but they differ tremendously in their taste. Robusta coffee is primarily grown in the lowlands. The species are less sensitive to high humidity, heat and diseases compared to the Arabica (coffee Arabica).

Robusta accounts for 30 - 40 % of the worlds coffee crop and are grown mainly in West Africa and Southeast Asia. The caffeine content is between two and four percent and therefore about twice as high as in Arabica coffees. Due to its low acidity, its fantastic cream and chocolaty basic character, the Robusta coffee is mostly used in perfect espresso blends. Arabica coffee grows best on fertile volcanic soils, mostly in higher altitudes 1.200 - 1,700 meters and in cool places.

Arabica has high quality of flavour and contains about 1 % caffeine. LABEL MY COFFEE offers both, best quality Arabica and Robusta coffees.